I hope you all enjoyed your Valentine's Day and dinner as much I did. I would assume that you had a nice bottle of wine to go along with dinner. Wine always seems to add a bit of romance to dinner don't you think? Well, last night my family and I enjoyed a wonderful Valentine's Day T-Bone steak dinner with baked potatoes and tossed salad. My mom suggested that I stop by the store on my way home and grab a bottle of wine. I then reminded her that I had one bottle of wine left (I know, tsk, tsk, I'm low on my stash of wine), which happened to be a bottle of Shelby Blanc 2007 that I purchased on my first visit to Ozan Winery on my birthday of last year. Of course, I wanted to save it for a special occassion, and what other occassion could be best than for Valentine's Day dinner with my family?! Needless to say, I was running late for dinner and when I arrived home, most of the bottle was gone. But they did save me one glass, which is what everyone else got as well. Can you say MMMMMMM? This wine is absolutely delicious! And we couldn't help but emphasis the muscadine taste of this wine. It tasted absolutely wonderful with our meal and was smooth going down. My family raved about it and now I've planned to make a visit to Ozan very soon to purchase another bottle. On second thought, maybe I'll buy it by the case this time since my family enjoyed it so much.(smile) Also, if I remember correctly, the bottle was $11.99 or $12.99. You can't beat that price and trust me it's worth every drop. So if you're traveling to North Alabama anytime soon, you may want to stop by Ozan Winery in Calera and pick up a bottle of Shelby Blanc. It has such a different taste and you'll be sure to add it as a new wine favorite.
To find out more about Ozan Vineyards and wines go to www.ozanwine.com
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