I love the brand name of this Moscato! Last night I attended a wine tasting at PepperTree Steaks N' Wines with two of my girlfriends, who I thank for attending with me. We had a great time! There were several wines to taste, majority of them Red Wines, which I'm not a big fan of nor, are my friends. Upon leaving, we were presented with a white wine that was not on the wine tasting table. It was already chilled and once we realized it was Moscato (We all are big fans, of course), we had our palates ready. As soon as it hit our tongues we were in love with Twisted Moscato! The price of the bottle, $6.99, helped as well and both of my friends purchased a bottle. So, if you're a Moscato fan you'll love Twisted Moscato. It can be purchased at PepperTree Steaks N' Wines and other local wine stores.
To find out more about other wines by Twisted go to http://www.twistedwine.com/